This week was really awesome. A lot happened! At the beginning
of the week, it was just alright. We were just doing what we regularly
do. Nothing special. Wednesday/Thursday we were going on exchanges in a
different city called Hugoton. It's this even smaller city than Ulysses.
But this place was like way nice and seemed rich haha. They had
speakers on the main street playing music all the way through the town.
Crazyyy. It was really boring there and honestly not much work to do. So
we went back to Liberal to finish our exchanges. For the first part, I
was with Elder Warr, who is also a Visa waiter for Argentina. He has
been out for 7 1/2 months total..and is still here. It was really cool
being with someone who is in the same boat as me haha. Then for the 2nd
half I went with the district leader. On this one ITL (Street contact)
that we did, we shared the first lesson with them and then then the
first vision. After we share the first vison, we usually asked them how
they felt during it. So I did this. And they responded: "to be honest I
felt nothing.". DANG! This is the first time that that has happened to
me.. I didn't know what to do for a second haha. It was funny. So I just
told them to pray about it.

On the way home that night, we found a
turtle in the road. Skippy! so we picked it up and brought it back home!
(Well, to the other Elder's apartment haha) technically pets are
illegal..dang. So yeah, it was an evil turtle. It's eyes were red.. But
it started freaking on out me. When I was holding it in the car he came
out of his shell and was like swimming in the air! His sharp claws were
digging into my skin haha. I tried moving my hands where I was holding
the shell, but he could reach me anywhere.. :/ Noo. haha The person I
was on exchanges with was just laughing at me. Then the dumb turtle
starting peeing on me and all over my pants! :/ And maybe poop too, i'm
not sure haha. It was just really gross. The person I was with was like,
throw it into the pond! (this pond he was referring to was a street
gutter full of water..) I wasn't about to do that. That would be mean.
So we stopped on the side of the road and I let him out in the grass in
this park. Gooodbye Donnnnny! Haha yeah, we named him donny, from the
Ninja turtles.

Saturday was an epic day. We had this service called the
Numana project. I think I talked about this a little bit earlier, but we
were being some of the volunteers in charge. We got to wear these green
staff shirts haha. It was awesome. So before the event started, we had
to be there early to set up all of the stations/get the food ready in
bins. Then we had a meeting with this speaker from Columbia. It was a
really awesome speech. She had a continuous slide show of pictures from
her orphanage. She told us how poor the kids are down there. It was
really sad. So I was stoked to be helping at this event, so that the
kids can eat! Everybody loves food haha. So the event itself was putting
some rice, soy, beans, and wheat + a vitamin packet in a bag and then
sealing it and them boxing all of them up. Each bag will feed 6 people.
On saturday, we filled our goal of 20,000 bags! It was so awesome. There
were a ton of people there too helping out. It was a really good
experience. The BEST service by far on my mission.

Literally right after
the numana project was our baptism for Damien! It was crazy... we had
to go home and get changed super fast and then run over to the church.
The baptism itself was really great. The spirit was there totally. There
was quite a turnout too. We did the confirmation the same day too, so I
got to participate in that as well. That was an awesome experience too.
Saturday was just a REALLY awesome day. Sunday morning our
(that likes to sleep in and then misses church) was waiting on his
porch for us!! AWESOME! That means next week we will be having another
baptism after conference! :) This guy is so solid! Then our recent
convert Damien, went up and bore the most sincerest testimony ever. It
was so great :) . This guy is so strong in his beliefs. He has so much
faith in the gospel. He definitely is an example to me. It was the
highlight of the sacrament meeting! Everyone was talking about it.
Yes, so today we got transfer calls and.... i'm staying! Yesss! haha
I was so nervous last night. I'm glad i'll get to be around for another
transfer here. There is still so much potential. And I would never want
to miss our investigator's baptism!
For conference, we are going to the chapel to watch it with our
investigators. Nathan... man haha. It sounds like it was fun, but you
got owned! haha Maybe take it a little easier. You need to be non-broken
for the upcoming snowboard season! Stay focused man! haha Congrats nikki and scott, thats
so epic! I'm stoked for you guys.
You can start sending letters to my Ulysses address again! So feel
free to post that up again! Well I think that's it! I love you guys!
Have an awesome week!
Elder Wheelwright
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