So recently its been really cold. Like I´ve been freezing at night! My hands go numb when we walk to church or when we work at night. What a change in the weather. I used to complain and complain for days about how hot and sweaty I get haha.
So with Hanna´s family this week. We watched the testaments spanish obviously haha. And i´ll say it now, its not the same! The voice of Corrihor isn't the same at all! It´s super disappointing! But at the end when Christ comes to the America´s, Hanna started crying. It was awesome! Afterwards we started talking about the movie and about when Christ came and she started crying again! And then she talked about when Christ is going to come again. This is all coming out of the mouth of a 9 year old! I still can't believe some of the things she says. We had a really spiritual lesson afterwards with them. The dad would be baptized instantly if he could get work off. he´s always reading church material in his spare time. Currently he's studying the teachings of Lorenzo Snow. And he read the section about becoming like Gods eventually. At first he told us that he had a problem with it, and then he kept reading and it all made sense. And now he´s good. I'm pretty much not afraid of throwing any doctrine at him now haha. He can totally take it. I want to give him Jesus the Christ or The Apostasy so that he can learn more awesome things on those important topics. Before we left the appointment, Hanna asked us that next time we come if we could talk about Obedience, because her parents aren't keeping all the commandments. hahaha oh snap! She totally called her parents out haha. They have to be so proud of their daughter. I know its early, but in 10 years, I want her to serve a mission. She would be so awesome!
All of our other investigators right now are just in limbo right now. we really need to find some solid people ASAP. We have some potential, but its not all that great.
That´s cool that Tyson is going to Japan! Felicitaciones Cuz! haha. Someone tell him that for me. Por Favor!
Dad rockin' out that Dodge Charger? haha nice! Sounds super fancy if it doesn't use keys. What technology! That doesn't even exist down here at all. Were lucky to see a car with electric locks..
So transfers are coming up this upcoming Monday. I'm kinda nervous about who my next companion could be. He might not be American! haha. NOOO ENGLISH I LOVE YOU! 'Im pretty sure I'm going to be staying in the same area for about another transfer. Nothing is guaranteed, but according to patterns, I'll be staying.
There are 2 Elders going home in out district this week. One of them lives in our house and he lives in Utah. I´m so done with living with people that are going home haha. It´s literally impossible to stay focused and to not get trunky in the process. It hits me for like a few days, but I'm quick to get over it. yay! Thank goodness haha. Well I gotta run family! I love you guys!! Have an awesome weeeek!
Elder Wheelwright
Elder H. and our new member
Elder H. and I
Our new member and his bike
He looks like an angry guy, but he just doesn't smile in pictures haha.
He's actually really funny and always smiles a ton!
Love you guys!
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